Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Who is Salt?

Spiritual Popcorn Blog on the movie Salt
"Who do you say that I am?" Mark8:29

This is a difficult question for me these days as I think that it is changing. Actually I don't "think" it's changing, I know it's changing. Who I am has been changing for the past six years and I haven't really given myself much of a chance to figure it out. You is busy and stuff. Who really has time to focus on yourself these day's anyway? But this blog on the movie Salt really calls me to take time to think about this?

Who am I?
I am a wife of 8 years. Still trying to figure out what it means to be a wife since that was never in my game plan. I am a friend to many. I am a Youth Minister aspiring to be a Life Coach (or mentor). I lost my mother to cancer 9 years ago today. Still trying to figure myself out in light of that. I am searching for purpose and meaning in my life. I am searching for what I am good at. I am searching for what I enjoy. Right now, I don't know.

Who do others say that I am? Some words that have been used to describe me are: friendly, welcoming, happy, funny, compassionate, strong and my husbands favorite "fiesty." Sometimes the word strong is stated in a not so positive way but for the most part I am proud of this image of myself. What are they saying when I am not around? I am very curious to know how I present myself. I think that I will take Paul's challenge and ask others what words come to mind when describing me.

Now Paul gets personal, "Is our identity consistant or do we present ourselves one way at work, another way at home, and yet another way online?" This question hit me between the eyeballs. Yes, I am completely different at work than I am at home or with friends. During one of my Life Coaching classes a couple of weeks ago we got onto the discussion of authenticity and honesty. Can you be authentic and honest in all situations? I said it depends on the situation. Like at work...I cannot always speak my mind or be honest with my spirituality or political points of view. I have to toe the company line because I need the money and insurance. I thought that I was straight up with that answer but the teacher countered with..."There is another name for people who go abainst their morals for money.....(she paused for effect)..It's called prostitution." WHAT???!!!!!???? This conversation has haunted me for weeks and this blog on "Salt" brings it back to the forefront of my mind. My identity is not consistant at all. This bothers me and is something I must work on to be happy in life. WHO AM I????

Boy I have a lot of work to do. God is talking LOUDLY to me through this movie. I have to take time to figure out my authentic self.

Thank you God for speaking to me and inviting me to get to know you better through myself. I am made in your image. You are a part of me and with your help I will learn who I am at my core. Thank you for this opportunity.

Until the next movie...Enjoy your own popcorn.

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